1.5M Contacts in the Email List with a Whopping 48% Interaction Rate

 | Dec 15


Engage Your Prospects And Build An Army Of Loyal Customers

Automate your systems, engage your prospects and create a constant flood of sales

1.5M Contacts in the Email List with a Whopping 48% Interaction Rate

 | Dec 15


Engage Your Prospects And Build An Army Of Loyal Customers

Automate your systems, engage your prospects and create a constant flood of sales


1.5M contacts in the email list with a whopping 48% interaction rate

This is the result I brought to one of my clients. I’m here not to brag, but to share how I got them there…

The secret sauce for such a high engagement is the following:


1. Email Deliverability
I set the foundation correctly so the emails are delivered to the customer’s inbox, instead of the spam or promotional folders.


2. Engagement Tracking
Tracking engagement also allowed us to follow up with the leads and contacts that were not engaging. Then using SMS, Emails, and ads to bring them back to engagement.


3. Well-Defined Customer Journey
Having a strategy where the leads are getting nurtured correctly and segmented, allows them to receive the correct email at the right time, sparking huge amounts of engagement.


4. Automation
I would never be able to manage such a large list without automations. 99% of the process was automated.


5. Analytics

I leveraged reports to optimize the emails and campaigns and make sure they were at their peak performance.


Book a meeting with me: https://calendly.com/luis-xavier/free-consultation-sales-studios


1.5M contacts in the email list with a whopping 48% interaction rate

This is the result I brought to one of my clients. I’m here not to brag, but to share how I got them there…

The secret sauce for such a high engagement is the following:


1. Email Deliverability
I set the foundation correctly so the emails are delivered to the customer’s inbox, instead of the spam or promotional folders.


2. Engagement Tracking
Tracking engagement also allowed us to follow up with the leads and contacts that were not engaging. Then using SMS, Emails, and ads to bring them back to engagement.


3. Well-Defined Customer Journey
Having a strategy where the leads are getting nurtured correctly and segmented, allows them to receive the correct email at the right time, sparking huge amounts of engagement.


4. Automation
I would never be able to manage such a large list without automations. 99% of the process was automated.


5. Analytics

I leveraged reports to optimize the emails and campaigns and make sure they were at their peak performance.


Book a meeting with me: https://calendly.com/luis-xavier/free-consultation-sales-studios
