Simple Email Signatures Hacks



Engage Your Prospects And Build An Army Of Loyal Customers

Automate your systems, engage your prospects and create a constant flood of sales

Simple Email Signatures Hacks



Engage Your Prospects And Build An Army Of Loyal Customers

Automate your systems, engage your prospects and create a constant flood of sales


Increase Engagement and Sales


You have a meeting with a lead, they are interested, they ask for a proposal and you send them an email, right?


Hopefully, you automated this process! Either way, it’s a good idea to add an email signature that will provide them with clues to who you are.


Here’s the thing, you have the solution to a problem your lead is facing. As much as they want you to solve their “problem” for them, they might not know who you are, if you can actually solve the problem and if you have helped others like them in the past.


So here’s a few examples of what you could add to your email signature to educate them and help them to KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you:


Custom FaceBook Audiences:


If you automate the proposal process, you can add the lead to a Custom Audience on Facebook and get them to receive an Ad with more information about WHO you are, WHY they should work with you and so on.


This process can be automated inside of Active Campaign.


Email Signature – Mandatory Fields


  • Name
  • Email
  • Business Name
  • Photo if possible, people resonate better when they can associate a name to a face
  • Role in the Business
  • Social Media Links
  • Funnel / Website link


Links are super important to two reasons:


#1 They can find more about YOU and YOUR business and see if you are a good fit for them.


#2 You can use the click data as intel to make decisions and see how engaged the lead really is.


Latest News + Link


You recently got a new award, expanded the business, acquired a big brand and want to tell the world about it?


Add a small banner underneath your email signature, It’s a simple way to share some good news and tell your new clients what’s happening. It’s a great way to show social proof too.


Latest Testimonial, Product Review or Case Study


By sharing a powerful testimonial, review or case study in your email signature, it’s a simple way to provide social proof and show your new leads that you have what it takes to deliver the solution they are looking for.


CRM Lead Acquisition – Measure interest


You can use lead scoring to find out the leads that are more active, clicking on your signature links, searching for clues and provide them with an….


… automated follow-up drip (automated: voice message, SMS, MMS, Facebook Custom Audience, Email and so on), where you can provide them more information about what you do, ask if they need more information, ask for a second meeting and move them forward through your sales pipeline.


Education – Share a blog or important information to help them make a decision


Some of my clients post blogs weekly and honestly, it’s a GREAT way to educate leads and help them to understand the service/product, process and the business itself.


You can add a link to your latest blog underneath your email signature and it can also be automated via a custom field that will hold the latest blog URL.


CTA – Get them to book a meeting or join a challenge


Depending on your strategy, you want them to book a meeting with you or visit a funnel, why not adding a Call To Action to your email signature?


You will be surprised to see a few more booking appointments or funnel visits showing up from this simple hack.




Every time you have an interaction with a lead (or customer) via email, it gives you an opportunity to educate them, get them to take action or at least the ability to collect data that you can use in your advantage.


As a marketer, you should minimize your efforts while maximizing your outreach, manage your leads effectively by leveraging a CRM where you can track each one of the lead’s actions and automate the process to optimize your time and increase conversions.


I hope you enjoy and let me know if you have any questions.


What sort of email signature will you be using?





Increase Engagement and Sales


You have a meeting with a lead, they are interested, they ask for a proposal and you send them an email, right?


Hopefully, you automated this process! Either way, it’s a good idea to add an email signature that will provide them with clues to who you are.


Here’s the thing, you have the solution to a problem your lead is facing. As much as they want you to solve their “problem” for them, they might not know who you are, if you can actually solve the problem and if you have helped others like them in the past.


So here’s a few examples of what you could add to your email signature to educate them and help them to KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you:


Custom FaceBook Audiences:


If you automate the proposal process, you can add the lead to a Custom Audience on Facebook and get them to receive an Ad with more information about WHO you are, WHY they should work with you and so on.


This process can be automated inside of Active Campaign.


Email Signature – Mandatory Fields


  • Name
  • Email
  • Business Name
  • Photo if possible, people resonate better when they can associate a name to a face
  • Role in the Business
  • Social Media Links
  • Funnel / Website link


Links are super important to two reasons:


#1 They can find more about YOU and YOUR business and see if you are a good fit for them.


#2 You can use the click data as intel to make decisions and see how engaged the lead really is.


Latest News + Link


You recently got a new award, expanded the business, acquired a big brand and want to tell the world about it?


Add a small banner underneath your email signature, It’s a simple way to share some good news and tell your new clients what’s happening. It’s a great way to show social proof too.


Latest Testimonial, Product Review or Case Study


By sharing a powerful testimonial, review or case study in your email signature, it’s a simple way to provide social proof and show your new leads that you have what it takes to deliver the solution they are looking for.


CRM Lead Acquisition – Measure interest


You can use lead scoring to find out the leads that are more active, clicking on your signature links, searching for clues and provide them with an….


… automated follow-up drip (automated: voice message, SMS, MMS, Facebook Custom Audience, Email and so on), where you can provide them more information about what you do, ask if they need more information, ask for a second meeting and move them forward through your sales pipeline.


Education – Share a blog or important information to help them make a decision


Some of my clients post blogs weekly and honestly, it’s a GREAT way to educate leads and help them to understand the service/product, process and the business itself.


You can add a link to your latest blog underneath your email signature and it can also be automated via a custom field that will hold the latest blog URL.


CTA – Get them to book a meeting or join a challenge


Depending on your strategy, you want them to book a meeting with you or visit a funnel, why not adding a Call To Action to your email signature?


You will be surprised to see a few more booking appointments or funnel visits showing up from this simple hack.




Every time you have an interaction with a lead (or customer) via email, it gives you an opportunity to educate them, get them to take action or at least the ability to collect data that you can use in your advantage.


As a marketer, you should minimize your efforts while maximizing your outreach, manage your leads effectively by leveraging a CRM where you can track each one of the lead’s actions and automate the process to optimize your time and increase conversions.


I hope you enjoy and let me know if you have any questions.


What sort of email signature will you be using?



